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Somewhat SKimpy DragonScale Armour alt. version

By Ketwaroo D. Yaasir

No Belly Strip Version

This is a user requested version of the Dragonscale mod I made for Skyrim.

It was actually requested a lot. So here you go.

I admit that it doesn't look that bad in game. I guess I just have weird tastes.


I made 2 variants to match the 2 variants of the original; vanilla and cbbe.

Based on the archive you downloaded, you should find a folder named

"no-belly-strip-{variant name}"

containing 2 nif files in it.

You just need to chose which version suits you and put those 2 nif files in the "Data/meshes/armor/dragonscale" folder of your Skyrim installation.

Take care to backup files just in case.

Enjoy my mods.

The original can be found here:


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