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Skimpy Falmer Armor v0.4e

by Ketwaroo D. Yaasir

Version 0.4e is the main version. Most of the other versions of this armour mod make use of this mod as base.

To Install

Extract contents of archive to your Skyrim Data folder.

Browse to the /meshes/armor/falmer folder. You'll see 2 folders,

  • default
  • Cbbe

"default" use the game's default female body except has more boobies.

"cbbe" uses Caliente Female Body Mod v0.2 Big Bottom Edition bodies or CBBE. Credits go to Caliente for those.I modified them a bit though. For more boobs. Obviously.


The body textures for CBBE are not compatible with the default body mesh. And vice versa. I don't think it's something specific to my mod though.

If you do not have the CBBE v0.2 mod installed, use the "default" mesh. If you do have the CBBE v0.2 mod installed, use the "cbbe" mesh.

Pick which version you want and copy the 2 NIF files one directory up.


  • Male version of the armour should be unaffected.
  • Conflicts with other mods using the same mesh file may occur.
  • CBBE textures not included. download separately

Version history

v0.4e - upped texture quality a bit - tweaked stuff all around.

v0.4d - fixed slight texturing issue with cbbe version.

v0.4c - vertex weight issue on cbbe zero mesh unresolvable. found compromise - fixed remaining vertex weight issues.

v0.4b - fixed vertex weight issues. CBBE boobs were too heavy for original armour. - removed the "classic" and "boobies" versions and just renames "boobies" to "default". More boobs is always the default position.

v0.4 FINAL - added CBBE based version. textures not included - packaged everything in a single zip file - added some small details like leather straps to the armour. - added some asymmetry in the greaves. has a more amazone feel to it.

v0.3 - fixed weight zero mesh. all characters can safely equip this armour now.

v0.2. - edited the mesh to show more skin - chitin part of the armor looks more jagged now. - fewer vertices. more bewbs

v0.1 - first version. it's a cheap hack mostly relying on texture transparency.

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